Edwards Dunlop

Presentation portfolio for the Pastelle uncoated paper range Presentation portfolio for the Pastelle uncoated paper range

The Client
Paper merchants Edwards Dunlop specialised in commercial grade coated and uncoated paper stocks
primarily for commercial print production.

Although this may seem boring and unfashionable, Edwards Dunlop is a strong example of how
strategic branding and design can transform a company in any sector. It also:

(a) Typifies the reality that most design work is not glamorous; and
(b) Corroborates our vehement belief that design should fundamentally be aimed at
increasing the bottom line as opposed to merely focusing on aesthetics.

We persuaded Australian artists to work with us so as to produce our own content; while the competition used generic overseas collateral which was supplied as standard
We persuaded Australian artists to work with us so as to produce our own content; while
the competition used generic overseas collateral which was supplied as standard

The Challenge
In what was perceived to be an uninspiring yet still competitive market, Edwards Dunlop sales had
been consistently declining. Something was required urgently that would not only buck this trend
with traditional clients, but also appeal to a broader range of customers. We were confidentially told
that the ultimate goal was an exit strategy.

We conducted a brand audit which obviously encompasses all marketing collateral but also looked at
everything from how the phone is answered at reception through to, in this case, how delivery guys
presented and dealt with clients in what was technically the last client touch-point in the process.
As always, a thorough investigation of the market was conducted.

The new 'Australian' themed collateral broke all sales records and won an award or two...
The new "Australian" themed collateral broke all sales records and won an award or two...

The Solution
It was deemed that the promotion of the company in a contemporary Australian manner was
essential, rather than the commonly-adopted use of generic American collateral that was distributed
to resellers the world over.

New catalogues, books and sales tools were produced. They were designed to make the viewer think
not just about the choice of stock, but what could be done with it. This was backed up by designing
sophisticated working examples.

We re-scripted the introduction of every communication touch-point. This was strictly adhered to and,
through our investigations, we suggested that a hotline be introduced for immediate answers to any
questions about stock and availability.

Through its sales force, Edwards Dunlop expanded its customer base to include not only the printing
industry, but design, advertising, PR and publishing companies.

The Vista range of duplicating paper stocks

The Outcome
Within the first two weeks of the company implementing the changes, Edwards Dunlop started to
shift considerably more stock. Within the month, emergency supplies had to be freighted in to
maintain regular supplies of some stocks, and the future holding stock was increased significantly.

Within a year, Edwards Dunlop was bought out by Spicer Papers Group.

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© 2010