Westmead Children's Hospital

Looking After Our Future
Westmead Children's Hospital Entrance
The Client
The Children's Hospital at Westmead is a stand-alone service dedicated entirely to paediatrics.
It is world renowned. The level of care and passion by staff and volunteers for children and their
families has to be seen to be believed.

The Challenge
The Westmead Children’s Hospital's management had recognized they were lacking a cohesive brand
image that represented its renowned and ongoing endeavours to serve the well-being of all children.
It needed an identity that would herald and embrace the culture of the hospital and all its
stakeholders. Importantly, it had to be an instantly recognizable image capable of raising funds from
private and public sectors.

The previous identity had never had the ability to capture the spirit and warmth of the hospital.
For the most part, it was an uncomfortable and depressing symbol that worked on the wrong
psychological emotions to be effective for its intended purpose. A hospital should ultimately focus
on the hope it gives rather than the despair that may sometimes transpire.

Ironically, we decided that the old identity contained the
vital element that would move the hospital forward.

The Solution
The original identity was of a sickly five-year old girl
carrying a bear; a complex and in some ways sexist
image. The bear however was clearly the logical starting
point for a visual solution that would seamlessly marry
into the culture of the hospital and help expand its
visual presence via an easily remembered and psychologically warmer brand mark.

Producing the final design of "Bandage Bear" involved around
150 drawings of the bear to refine its character. Ultimately,
the best of these were framed and they were auctioned off
by the hospital to raise funds.

The Outcome
Today the bear is synonymous with, and loved as, the brand
mark for one of the best children's hospitals in the world.

Oh, and next time you decide not to give a few gold coins...
remember how hot it gets in a bandaged bear costume!

Westmead Hospital Teddy bear
Bandaged Bear

© 2010